May 18, 2010

How is Adam Liking His Internship?

Well its hard to tell...This was day 2, he comes home reaches for the Ben and Jerrys, actually its Dryers, and then falls asleep twenty minutes later which is about 7:30 PM. Meanwhile I have been looking forward to him coming home all day...Lame. But it has gotten better. He has finally gotten used to getting up early and used to working a 9-5 (I need to get me one of those--9-5's I mean). He is so cute!


  1. HAHA! I love that he went for the ice cream! Pretty soon he is going to go for the whole bag of chocolate chips! :)

  2. hahaha that makes me laugh... poor poor adam

  3. Ha ha ha love this! Story of our lives eh!

