So I feel like you can say whatever you want on your blog so here I'm going to say it: I LOVE other peoples/friends babies, cousins, my nieces, love them! But here is the catch--not that we are in a hurry to have babies but the idea of having our own baby scares the hel* out of me! So for now we wait. We are on a "5 year plan". I know I am not a normal girl...Especially in Utah.
Funny story real quick. At the fireworks I mentioned something about our apartment to my niece Ali (she's 5). She says to me "your living in your apartment until your real house is built huh? Just like Katelyn" I say "well that is our real house, we're not building one yet" She says "Oh that's weird" haha I love her. She says the funniest things every time I see her.
I am the champ of clue!!bring it! but what a great night. YOu will be great parents just when you are ready. Fish man loves you two!