April 18, 2010

Short Story...

So I'll make this short. Today at church our Sunbeam Sammy sat by us during sacrament since his dad is in the bishopric and his mom was home with his sick brothers. He likes looking through my purse, he put on some hand sanitizer, really enjoyed the car remote clicker thing, so he's just going through there and finds a tampon. I try to distract him...in no time he has it riped open and says "hey its a pencil" I start laughing try to take it and he starts swinging it around by the string! Oh my gosh, I was trying not to laugh and my eyes were watering...maybe you had to be there to find this funny...It was! He is so CUTE! We just love him. We are going to miss him so much when we leave!

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me in high school when some a guy found a tampon in Rachelle's car and though it was a big straw! That's hilarious!

